Classes, Studies, & Retreats

Classes, Studies, & Retreats

Spiritual formation is a rich experience within a course or a retreat space. It is a means to learn more about ourselves, God, and how we walk alongside others. If you desire to learn more about this, we encourage you to reach out to us or sign up for some of our available offerings through the Companioning Center. Among us are other gifted instructors as well. Please check out what is available and reach out if you are looking for something in particular. 

If you are part of a group that would like to participate in a course or retreat together, either in your church or community, we can bring several offerings: Discernment, Contemplative Practices, Creating a Rhythm of Life, Three-Way Listening, and many other Spiritual Formation topics. 

In addition, Kathi has written a series of spiritual formation studies called Being Boldly Loved and Loving Boldly. This contemplative and experiential spiritual formation series is best experienced in a small group of 5-8 participants. She wrote it to connect the God she experienced with the Scripture she has always loved. Topics include understanding an experiential God through Scripture, Contemplative Prayer, and deep listening in a safe community.